Jay Z apata shavu kwenye kituo cha runinga

Akaunti ya Jay Z inazidi kutanuka – amesaini dili la miaka miwili na kituo cha runinga cha The Weinstein Company kwa ajili ya kuandaa filamu na script kwenye kituo hicho.
Kwa mujibu wa ripoti iliyotolewa na Thew Hollywood imemnukuu rapper huyo akiongea baada ya kusaini dili hilo, “I’m excited to tell stories from real-life prophets who, through their struggles, have changed the world for the better and others whose stories are filled with fantasy and delight.”

“Harvey and David [Weinstein] are visionaries, both of whom have done this time and time again. I’m already passionate about what we currently have in the pipeline, and I’m looking forward to discovering others.”
Hii si mara ya kwanza kwa Jay Z kupata shavu kama hilo kwani aliwahi kuandaa filamu kama The Great Gatsby na Top five. Hata hivyo haijajulikana ni kiasi gani cha fedha ataingiza kupitia kazi hiyo kwa miaka yote miwili.
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